Wednesday, March 29, 2023

What you can do to avoid the pitfalls of device dependency

What you can do to avoid the pitfalls of device dependency

Excessive use of devices like cellphones, tablets, laptops, or PCs is quite harmful to health. Computer vision syndrome or CVS is the medical term for an eye problem caused by working continuously on a PC or laptop for a long time. But with a little care, complications can be avoided.


♦ After working on the computer for 30 minutes, turn around and look around. If possible, enjoy the green view outside the room through the window. Focusing the eyes separately in this way exercises the muscles, which are beneficial for the eyes.

♦ Move eyes up and down and right to left. Then slowly move your eyes like '4'.

♦ Place thumb in front of the eye and look at finger to turn eyes. Then look at an object at least 20 steps away. In this way, seeing both near and far objects together increases the power of the eye. If this habit becomes a habit gradually, the blurred vision will also go away.

Regular eye exams

People who work or spend a lot of time in front of a screen should have an eye exam at least once a year. But if you have eye strength, you must wear glasses. If a child has congenital eye problems, please consult a doctor before using the computer.

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